August ‘23 newsletter

Item 6 of 7

Hello dear folks!

It's been such a long time since you heard anything from the illu-front. So much to tell, where shall I start? Maybe just at the beginning of this year.​


In January I joined the wholesale platform Orderchamp. A world called Europe opened up for me. It's incredible that illu-ster is now available in countless stores in foreign cities. a.o. Cologne, Munich, Aachen, Berlin, Tampere, Florence, Caen, Ljubljana and many other nice places that I didn't know existed.

Whether you shop through Orderchamp or illu-wholesale, it makes me happy. The contact is more personal via illu-wholesale, shipping is free from a lower amount, new products are online sooner and are often available for pre-order. At Orderchamp there are other advantages. There are regular campaigns where you can get a discount, such as the Digital Fair '23 from 24-08 to 03-09. And you have a wealth of other great suppliers of goodies for your store. Of course you can buy both at illu-wholesale and at illu-orderchamp, just as it suits you.

If you are not yet affiliated with Orderchamp, I have a nice link for you to register as a reseller:


Via this link you get a 10% discount in the first month that you order from me, and it also has an advantage for me, because I don't have to pay a commission to Orderchamp. Win win!

In the studio

Due to this fabulous increase in customers, the production of mugs has risen to an absolute peak. Did you know that I print these mugs individually in a heat press? I make about 400 a month this way now. As artisanal as this is, it can't go on like this. Because new illustrations have to be made, new products designed, administration, and now and then I have to relax too. That's why I took the plunge and ordered a professional mug oven. 20 mugs can be baked in it at once. I have to learn how to work with it, maybe that will cause some delay at first. I hope it will work well, it is quite an investment. I'm still waiting for it to arrive, will you keep your fingers crossed that it is worth the money?​

On the website

If you now go to you will see that the site is completely in English. This is much easier for my new foreign customers. Although it is technically possible for me to make the site in multiple languages, it adds so much extra work and potential for errors that I have decided to not do that for now. Maybe if a team illu-ster will rise up someday! In the future I will also write the newsletter in English.​


Cards, posters, bags and notebooks! The A3 posters are printed on nice thick environmentally friendly Biotop paper and are delivered flat packed, with a cardboard backing and wrapped in a bioplastic sleeve. This cover can simply be put in the compost bin, and so can the sticker on it!​
You will also find a preview of the winter and fall collection, a small stock of some cards is already available. The collection is still being worked on and most of it will arrive in the course of September.
There are many more fun things planned for this fall. For example, I am looking for a producer for porcelain mugs, I am designing gift tags and special cards with a free form, and the wooden panels will come in more variations.

I'll keep you informed!




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